

Featured guests at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, Triomphe ice creams stand out with their organic range. On June 11, the organic Vanilla and Strawberry flavors take center stage at the Better Eating F...

The New Triomphe Pouch: A Bold Look with the Same Unmatched Convenience!

The Triomphe Pouch gets a makeover with a fresh new design that’s impossible to miss! Now available in a vibrant fuchsia, it proudly features our signature ice cream at its center. But its revamped...

SIPRHO 2022 in Montpellier: Triomphe Shines with Its Wide Range of Flavors

Spring has not yet arrived, but the 'Beach Show' is back! At the stand of our partner Soframa, we were present at Siphro 2022 with 6 machines and 11 flavors for tasting: Unprecedented! Many of you ha...

A "prestigious" return with PARIZZA 2021 After the cancellation of Parizza 2020, we had the pleasure of meeting you again on October 13 and 14 in Paris, Porte de Versailles, for this Italian gastro...

The BIO arrive at Triomphe On June 22nd, we finally obtained our "Agriculture Biologique" certification. After many months of development, we are proud to present our first bio ice cream mixes, with ...

Summer 2021: Triomphe Ice Cream continues to delight you! With the deconfinement, the season is in full swing. Triomphe ice creams are still there, with more than 30 flavors. Classic, Premium or Pres...

From February 24 to 26, 2020, tasting of Triomphe Italian ice creams on the "paillote" SOFRAMA during the "Salon des Plages" at La Grande Motte! 8 flavors in tasting during 3 days: Vanilla, Strawberr...

New in 2020: launch of the Prestige range Discover the Prestige Vanilla mix with Isigny PDO cream; the first-born of the Prestige range. His philosophy : use the best ingredients to create the best i...

ITALIAN DAY METRO BORDEAUX LAC 2019 :Triomphe ice creams travel in Tuk-Tuk! This July 2, the METRO of Bordeaux Lac was in the colors and flavors of Italy. On the occasion of an animation mixing gastr...

METRO GAUCHY EVENT 2019: A Successful Second Edition !

A new METRO event was successfully held: TRIOMPHE soft-serve ice creams were featured this time at the METRO in Gauchy, Picardy, with Vanilla-Strawberry duo tastings. Head to the nearest METRO now to...

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